Thursday, September 23, 2010

Post #3: Art Judgement 1


Kazuya Minekura, Salty Dog Kazuya Minekura Illustrations III #058, 2002,

The image is of 4 young men (clockwise: Hakkai, Sanzo, Gojyo and Goku) sitting in a pile of wilted leaves leisurely. Gojyo is sleeping next to his 3 friends and Goku is sitting up attentively, possibly looking out for any kind of danger. The surroundings make me think the theme is in the woods in Fall. Sanzo appears to be drifting off to sleep with a cigarette in his mouth and Hakkai is probably just as awake as Goku. I can also tell by their warm clothing that it must be chilly where they are. Judging by Goku's indifferent yet anxious expression makes me wonder if the group are waiting for something or someone. I can tell that a signifigant amount of time has passed because the majority of the group look exhausted and relaxed by their posture.

If I could ask Kazuya Minekura anything about this picture, I would ask:

Where did she get her inspiration for creating this work of art?
Why wasn't Hakkai's profile drawn in detail?
Where did she get ideas for their clothes?
What exactly are the guys doing? Waiting for something or just taking a break?

Post #2: Race and Gender Criticism

After reading the article, I think the discrimination towards women and colored people in the art world is just ridiculous. In my opinion, some of the best artists in the world are women! The white male dominated world is becoming very immature and annoying because it's been going on since the beginning of time. These men need to open their minds to new things and stop being so sexist and racist. Some of the best female artists in my opinion are Kazuya Minekura, the creator of Saiyuki and Lynn (no last name given), the creator of Elfen Lied.

What were your opinions on the article?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Post #1: My First Art Experience!

My very first art experience was back in the late 90's when I doodled in the back of a few of my baby books.

I remember when I was about 3 or 4 years old and I had some customized baby books written just for me. They were my favorite books to read as a child, and I stumbled upon a pen that was conveniently nearby. I grabbed it and began to make my first drawings. They were of 7Up cans, funny looking stick figures and dogs. My grandmother was so surprised that I could draw cylinders at my young age and was more surprised at how "good" the figures looked....made by a toddler, of course!