Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Post #10: Stereotypical American

The picture above is of the stereotypical American. We are portrayed as fat, patriotic, and into greasy foods. The image shows a cowboy hat, which puts the term Westerner into an object. There is a hands-free cell phone in the man's ear, which probably represents how often we are on the phone. The flag shirt shows how we are made out to be proud of our free country and what the flag stands for. The burger and drink represents how often we eat unhealthy foods. This image is stereotypical because there are some Americans who eat healthy, are not patriotic and are definitely not fat.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Post 9: Postmodern Art

The image above is from the anime Paranoia Agent, created by Satoshi Kon. Anime is a form of postmodern art that branches off from Western cartoons in the early 1940s. Anime has evolved from modern art to the contemporary form it is now. In the image, it shows one of the characters, Keiichi Ikari, standing atop a tower in the foreground of a mushroom cloud. Ikari's outstretched arms and grin on his face show his stability over the terrifying explosion behind him. The mushroom cloud represents the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.

The image above shows layering because of the actual image of a mushroom cloud behind the artist's work. It also shows representin' by the representation of the madness of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, and how some people actually managed to withstand its devastating effects.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Post 8: Reflection

Looking back on the first quarter in Honors Art 1, I had fun doing every project online and in class. Our first project, (the Corpse project) was quick and fun to do. The free draws and personal map activities in the sketchbooks were also great fun. They helped me show off my drawing skills. The blogs are fun, I enjoy customizing my background and writing new posts like this. I've learned all about the principles and elements of art. I don't see the subject of art much differently, I still enjoy it.