Monday, February 28, 2011

Post 17: SPRITE Photo

Social: The woman in the background was trying to be social with the busy man.
Political: This shows how people are being overworked, even during their vacations.
Religious: The man is being faithful to his job by working on his vacation.
Intellectual: He may be going to an online college during his break on the beach.
Technology: The laptop is a piece of technology.
Environmental: The sun was being environmental because it was providing the people on the beach some vitamin D.

Post 16: Carrie Mae Weems

The Carrie Mae Weems photograph I related to was the one with 3 girls and a woman who was possibly their mother. It reminded me of how my family  interacts in a fun and playful way. In the picture, the girls are spending quality time with each other, which is what my family does on an almost daily basis. The greyscale color scheme reminds me of the old photos my grandmother has around the house. All in all, the picture itself may seem a bit morose in its nearly-expressionless tone, but I extracted positive memories from it, which is why I could relate to it so well.

Post #15: John George Brown (Artist)

The 19th century realism painter, John George Brown, was a great painter who focused on portraits of children. The picture I chose showed a black boy and 3 white boys having fun together playing cards. I chose it because it is the first picture I've seen that depicted blacks and whites in harmony. I find it to be a very realistic image, it's as if someone simply took a photograph. I believe the artist should be as famous as Van Gogh and Rembrandt because of his high quality style of painting.