Thursday, October 28, 2010

Post 7

I learned that making an Elements and Principles book takes a lot of time, thought and effort. I found the creation of movement in my book enjoyable to create. I also like the little story it tells throughout the book. I found out that the books had to be more "flashy" and colorful than what I did. The thing I found challenging was the ideas I had to come up with creating my own shape. I also thought that since it was a book, it had to tell a story. So...I told a story. I created my own shapes and story, but it seems inferior to the other books my classmates made because it wasn't as full and colorful. If I could make another book, I would just add  bigger shapes and maybe different colors. But I found mine as unique because it told a story about evolution and growth. It may not be "in-your-face" exploding with excitement and whimsical shapes, but if you look at it for at least a minute, you may understand its meaning. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Post #6: Handmade Book

 The handmade book I've chosen is titled "Beloved" by Geraldine Newfry ( I chose it because it has a lot of emotion and love put into it. Every page was created in clay, possibly to give it more of an antique look. The cover was created from found objects collected by Newfry's husband. A small metal frame encloses the word "Beloved". The words on the inside of the book were from the artist's wedding songs.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Post 5: Abstract Description

The abstract I chose was an artwork by G.Lang titled Urban Abstract No. 141.

The abstract appears to be a city with  a river separating 2 sides of a street. I can tell there's a river by the reflection painted at the bottom. I can tell it is a city because of the shape the figures in the foreground and background that resemble buildings. The weather in this abstract may be cold, judging by the cloudy sky. I think the subject or theme of this artwork is of the artist's hometown or a place he/she has visited.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Post #4: Pointing out Elements and Principles

The image to the right is of Sanzo, Gojyo, Goku and Hakkai. The artist, Kazuya Minekura has many elements and principles combined into this one interesting work of art.

The elements of art in her picture include: color, line and shape. The color is made by Sanzo's blonde hair and Gojyo's red hair; lines are prominent all over the artwork;shape is the 2D form the 4 guys are in.

The principles of design in this work of art include contrast and proportion. The contrast is made by Gojyo and Sanzo's hair. The proportion is made by the realistic anatomy the group members have.