Thursday, October 28, 2010

Post 7

I learned that making an Elements and Principles book takes a lot of time, thought and effort. I found the creation of movement in my book enjoyable to create. I also like the little story it tells throughout the book. I found out that the books had to be more "flashy" and colorful than what I did. The thing I found challenging was the ideas I had to come up with creating my own shape. I also thought that since it was a book, it had to tell a story. So...I told a story. I created my own shapes and story, but it seems inferior to the other books my classmates made because it wasn't as full and colorful. If I could make another book, I would just add  bigger shapes and maybe different colors. But I found mine as unique because it told a story about evolution and growth. It may not be "in-your-face" exploding with excitement and whimsical shapes, but if you look at it for at least a minute, you may understand its meaning. 

1 comment:

  1. Victoria -
    Your book is great. Very unique! It was not necessary to use many shapes and colors like a lot of your classmates did. What's so great about your book is that it is different! I wouldn't change a thing.
    Ms. Coffee
    P.S. Excellent blog, too!
