Friday, June 3, 2011

Post 30: My 3 Best Arts of the Year

The three pictures I posted above are my favorites for various reasons. For the 6 Inspiring People Project, I drew and painted: One of my characters from my story, my mother, Dr. Oz, Maurice White, Chino Moreno and my bestest friend Jennifer Vu. I chose all of them because they all mean a lot to me in different ways. Maurice White and Chino Moreno are both singers, and their songs help spark ideas for drawings and stories. My mom is the best, so I drew her. Dr. Oz is cool because I like how he tells people how to stay healthy with alternative medicine. Lastly, I chose Jennifer because she's a cool person who helps when necessary.

For the next picture, Teen Social Issues, it's pretty self-explanatory. I created it to show the common problems of American teens in modern society. I was surprised how well it all came together towards the end. Lastly, for my biggest art project ever, Watch ME Watching You Lose Your Mind, is about both inner experiences, how I "think" and how media watches you.

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