Thursday, April 21, 2011

Post 23: No one said ALL landscapes were pretty.

Disclaimer: The image of a shack in the foreground of a beach landscape greatly pertains to a story I'm currently writing for survey lit. So I decided to write a mini-story based on it! :)

Cedar hesitated a bit as he answered Kavana's droning question, "when can we hang at your place?". He looked into her glistening brown eyes and sighed, unsure of how to break the news to her that he lives in an abandoned shack. He's already told her too much. Too much about his brother, his drug-selling lifestyle and why he chooses to be reclusive. However, it still hasn't led to a common conclusion of a few insulting words from her. This surprised  Cedar, as he expected her to call him a dork, weirdo, loser, or his favorite--freak.

Now he's done it. He's said it. A little place on the shore, he says. Her eyes grow wide in surprise and curiosity. Kavana doesn't realize how nervous and regretful her new friend is, about how embarrassing his home looks compared to her normal house on a block of 8 other houses. Nevertheless, she insists that he show her his home, which is nothing she would have expected.

After traveling on foot for half an hour from the high school, Cedar and Kavana reach the shack. He points to it ever so reluctantly. Instead of screaming at him for what a bum he is, she gasps in surprise and runs up the stairs to inspect the interior. Instead of gagging at how dark and dreary it is, she jumps in excitement and begs Cedar to let her decorate it for him and his brother. She says she's always wanted to be an interior designer. This would be her first big project. What do you usually do here, how do you like waking up to the beautiful sunrises each morning, she asks as she continues to walk up and down the shore line with Cedar, now holding his pale, rough hand. A fifteen year old boy shouldn't have such rough hands, she adds.

"It's alright living up here, I guess. No heat or running water except for the restrooms and showers further down the shore. I've only been up here for 3 months, so I can't say how well this place would hold up in winter. Winters in Connecticut are the worst, so we'll see. Anyway...I do what any normal dude does here. Eat, sleep, play with my bro every now and then, swim and stuff. Are you serious you don't mind this place? You have to promise me you won't tell anyone, either." Cedar said softly, which made Kavana almost strain to hear him. She agreed to keep it a promise and told him her plans for it in the future.

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